Saturday, April 29, 2023

The Saturday Picture Show, April 29, 2023


We all understand that Mr Bezos worked hard to set up an online bookstore, and the business he founded has mushroomed into a behemoth that means I rarely have to go to a real store anymore; I just go to the front porch where Jeff has sent me kitty litter and AA batteries and aftershave and vitamins and photo prints and nasal spray and oh yes, books, and lots of them! And now he gets to hang around Coachella with his new wife and Kris Jenner and a shirt with butterflies all over it and I wonder if he got that from Amazon.
The legend of MC Hammer began when young Stanley Kirk Burrell was hanging around the Oakland Coliseum so often that the Oakland A's offered him a job as batboy and general clubhouse factotum. The players all loved him, and noticed that he had a strong resemblance to "Hammerin' " Hank Aaron, legend of the game, so they called Stanley "Hammer." He went into entertainment and did well for himself. In 1996, he came to see the A's play in Baltimore and found himself standing right next to me in the crowd. I'm sure he would remember me as the guy who shook his hand and said, "How's it goin', Hammer?"
It looks a lot different when it's cooked and served in a bowl, but these are oats in their natural habitat.
I like this picture a lot, the tones, the images, the sundown.
This is the breed of dog known as a Komondor, a Hungarian watch dog. They would be handy to have around in case your floor is wet, too.
Here's a family of owls that made themselves a nice little house for themselves in a cactus. I hope they aren't getting needled.
Here's the answer for what to do with that old broken guitar: knick-knack shelf!
The Northern Lights are on bright display this year. This sighting is from South Dakota.
For whatever reason, this man wrote out the complete script to the movie "Jurassic Park" and made art of it.
People on their way to see the ballgame at Oriole Park at Camden Yards pass by this water vendor, who will sell you an ice-cold H20 for two dollars, or maybe a tenth of what it would cost inside the stadium. 

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