Saturday, April 1, 2023

The Saturday Picture Show, April 1, 2023


As Mr Hilton said to Mrs Hilton, "We'll always have Paris." 
One of the "Nine Stories" in the great collection by that name from J. D. Salinger was "A Perfect Day For Bananafish." And here are two of them!
So when you run out of clothespins, try chip clips!
The wheatfields are hard at work, getting ready to bring you bowlsful of Shredded Wheat.
Who hasn't wanted to do this, timing themselves on the radar gun?
I don't know where this flag hangs, or for what reason. I guess I could look it up, but that would be....easy.
Many was the time, during my radio DJ days, that I sat while playing some dirge like "The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald" or Morris Albert's sleep-inducing "Feelings" and thought how great it would be to play nothing but songs that made people feel good, not songs about sunken ships in Lake Superior or gooey laments like "Feelings." Anything by Jan And Dean would fit that format, most of the early Beatles, and of course, the Beach Boys before they got all self-conscious and ponderous. You can bet my iPod has no sob to it.
The chairs at BIC headquarters are made to resemble parts of the legendary ballpoints we all fiddled with in school. No kidding!

The planets lined up this past week and if you were outside around dinnertime and had a clear view westward, you could see the sky show. 

In his heyday with the San Francisco Giants, Sergio Romo was a pretty good relief pitcher with a nasty slider that helped his teams win three World Series. As often happens, he finished his career with other teams, and came back to the Giants this spring to retire as a member of the team where he got his start. Throughout spring training, every time a kid asked him for an autograph, he had the kid sign his hat as well, and now he takes with him to his leisure time an estimated $12.5 million in savings, and one very cool hat.

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