Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Saturday Picture Show, May 23, 2020

This is the first of two sunset pictures today. I think that people are taking more sunset pictures now, because normally we're running out to ballgames and shopping and driver ed and returning library books and picking up Moo Shu and so we miss cool things like sunsets.
It sure doesn't feel like Memorial Weekend, I know, but at least it can look like it.
No matter the size of a cat, when they want their dinner, they WANT THEIR DINNER right NOW!
Wouldn't you think that Madam Zara could have seen this coming?
People are making good use of their time, and good use of colored paper to make a picture of The Golden Girls!
He's never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, but Rick Astley is 54 now, so don't hold him to that.
Sunset # 2 - this is when the lake your lake house fronts on is Lake Erie.

This is a colorized photo from the 1917 pandemic, showing a streetcar conductor denying admission to a guy without a mask. It being 1917, the hapless man did not have a placard proclaiming himself to be a free man with no responsibility to follow either lawful government orders or common sense, or a crowd of like-minded rabble rousers. . I hope he's still walking home.

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