Saturday, May 13, 2023

The Saturday Picture Show, May 13, 2023


"I know our stuff is under that blue-and-white umbrella!"
Part of many of our childhood the first clap of thunder, we had to think, is there laundry on the line? 
My first pick-'em-up truck was a Nissan about like this one, but it was sand-colored, and I had no idea how many household appliances it could have toted around. 
So, this is where they all went!! The British call them "phone boxes" and they're resting in a phone box graveyard in Merstham, Surrey.
This path just seems to scream "Let's take a hike!"
Here's the type of art collage you can't take your...eyes... off.
In places where there's no public library or bookmobiles, resourceful people make their own.
This is the stately mansion on Pimlico Rd in Baltimore where once dwelled Chicago gangster Al Capone, between his residencies in Union Memorial Hospital and federal prison.
And why should they? 

This is a rare atmospheric phenomenon known to meteorologists as a "parhelia," and to residents of Key West as a “sun dog.”

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