Monday, May 22, 2023

Sherlock's New Part

However cool I thought Jonny Lee Miller was for being so great as Sherlock in "Elementary," that just went up at least a billion times with the news last week that the British-born actor is now doing the most American thing ever:

He's a volunteer firefighter! And when you are one, you are one forever!

From his Instagram:

Today I qualified as a Firefighter 1 after a 5 month course at Suffolk County Fire Academy. Huge thank you to all the instructors, but especially Chief Sicilian, who took great care of class 2, and never got mad at us (externally). Can’t wait to serve the community I love on Fire Island NY.

Miller, 50, also starred in "The Crown" and "Trainspotting," and no one is saying he is giving up acting, but he will respond to calls with the Ocean Bay Park Fire District on Fire Island, Suffolk County, New York.


He's in the picture somewhere!

Jonny started the training program five months ago and now he has qualified to serve. He announced this last winter when he posted this picture of his gear, all ready to go, the night before his first class session.

The Suffolk County Fire Academy instructs teaches volunteer firefighters, career firefighters and emergency responders.

Miller graduated from Firefighter 1 training, described as an "initial entry program for firefighting personnel, introducing concepts, practices and techniques necessary for success within the fire service."

He had to complete hands-on performance evaluations covering emergencies, tools, search, victim and firefighter removal, ladders, hose handling, fire behavior and vehicle operations, with a practical exam and written test.

I mention all this to say that this isn't one of those Hollywood deals where an actor is handed a crisp new uniform, poses for some "action" photos, and that's the end of that.

Having passed all those steps, Miller is now taking his role in the noble avocation of volunteering to help in fire and emergency medical operations. I wish him success and the proud, happy feeling one gets from such pursuits.

1 comment:

Andrew W. Blenko said...
