Saturday, April 4, 2020

The Saturday Picture Show, April 4, 2020

Again, with the wildlife moving into our space while we quarantine. Imagine looking out on the deck and seeing a peacock strutting around!
I got to thinking about people who are quarantining in those tiny houses, and if any of them regret the choice to downsize to the nth degree. Of course, there are tiny houses, and there are tiny houses...
As the clock attests, this was taken at 8:02 PM last Saturday night in the heart of Times Square, NYC.  Normally you would see a whole lot of people there on a Saturday night, but this guy had the place to himself. He could have even jaywalked if he wanted to!
It was a reassuring sign to see the USNS hospital ship Comfort arriving in New York to serve as hospital overflow space while the hospitals deal with COVID-19 cases. But it was terribly disturbing to see people thronging the harborside to see the big boat. They all ignored common sense rules to pack the place. Fools.
As the debate roars on as to whether the general public should wear masks, this epicene Sam's Clubber made a statement.
That's a Mountain Bluebird bringing some color.
The toilet paper shelves are depleted and so is the baking aisle! Flour and chocolate chips are flying off the shelves and here's the result. Someone made Toll House Cookies and didn't offer us any.
And we close this week with the perfect place for quarantining.

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