Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Conway Twitty

"People should know the facts." That is a sentence said by White House Advisor To The Star Kellyanne Conway on some show called "Fox and Friends last week.

Just before that, she said, "Some of the scientists and doctors say there could be other strains later on, this could come back in the fall in a limited way. This is COVID-19, not COVID-1, folks. And so you would think that people charged with the World Health Organization facts and figures would be on top of that."

She must listen to radio comedian Rush Limbaugh, who said this on March 12: "Why do you think this is COVID-19? This is the 19th coronavirus. They’re not uncommon.”

And then there was the meme I saw being shoved around on Facebook. That little bit of wisdom poked fun at those who "didn't know" that COVID-19 actually stands for "Chinese-Originated Very Infectious Disease number 19."

As anyone else knows, COVID-19 stands for Covfefe   COronaVIrus Disease. The 19 refers to its origination, 2019.

At first, the inclination is to feel a little sorry for those so benighted, but after all, Ms Conway has an important job, imparting advice to the president, and so one would want her to have all the facts before speaking.

Among those facts is this one: the word "coronavirus" has been around since the late 1960s. It refers  to "any of various RNA-containing spherical viruses of the family Coronaviridae, including several that cause acute respiratory illnesses."  That's according to dictionary.com.

The term came from the coronalike array of spikes projecting from the capsid of the virus. The capsid is the little body of the virus itself, that thing they keep showing on the news that looks like the Christmas decoration made by sticking cloves all over a Styrofoam ball.

Note to Ms Conway: when you see Lamar Jackson playing for the Ravens this fall, you will see JACKSON 8 on his back. Do not assume that there are 7 others like him, or that three players ago, he was part of the Jackson 5ive.

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