Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Rock and role

Image result for kindness rocks
Not long ago, the thing to do was to do random acts of kindness. Remember them? Paying the toll for the guy behind you on the interstate, or buying coffee for the entire crowd at S'Bux, or icing down a case of bottled water and passing out chilly Dasanis at the Fourth of July parade...

If I ever go back on the radio, I will use the air name "Chilly Dasani."

I'm sure that still goes on, the random act thing, but now the thing to do is to emblazon messages of love, admiration or encouragement on rocks and leave them where people in need of love, admiration or encouragement will find them.

They're called Kindness Rocks, and here is a link to a site that tells you how to make your own.

According to the Kindness Rocks Project, you can leave a message rock where the intended recipient will stumble over it (not literally) or you can create an entire Inspiration Garden.

Image result for kindness rocks inspiration garden

Rocks go through this, this spate of popularity, every few years.  They are plentiful, so you don't have to spend a nickel to find some, and they are easily cleaned and painted. Pet Rocks made a fortune in the 1970s for the guy who figured out that people would spend $5 (that's like $4 in 2017 money!) to get a little rock that looked like a potato in a cardboard box with ventilation holes to put on their desk to hold their paperweights down.

And any family with a simple home smelting operation can mine their back yard and produce their own zinc, lead, copper, aluminum and aquarium gravel.  OR you can paint inspirational slogans on them and leave them on the neighbor's porch or your child's lunchbox or the reception area down at the loan office where you go to make payments on your smelter.

Image result for finding painted rocks

Related imageI think the choice is clear. 

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