Friday, September 29, 2023


How many times did we all get caught sleeping in class? And by "we," I mean "I," and by "how many times," I mean at least a dozen.  

But I could always claim to be practicing sending Morse Code mentally, or naming all the US presidents in order.  Which very few of them were.

But let's go across the ocean to Lincolnshire, England, where the Seascape Cafe at the Observatory holds yoga classes on Wednesday evenings. 

And last week, a well-intended passerby looked in on the class and saw the group in "final resting position" (is there really no better way to phrase that?) and so they called 999, the English version of our 911. He/she reported a "mass killing" at the yoga studio.


That final resting pose is also called "corpse pose" (not really better) or "savasana" (which is great as long as you speak Sanskrit) and it means everyone gets down on their backs, supine and ready to sink into meditative state.

Seascape's Facebook page reports that the caller “reported a mass killing in our building. Having seen several people laying on the floor.  Which actually turned out to be the Yoga Class in meditation.”

It all turned out fine, everyone acted with good intent, and yoga teacher Millie Laws told the Washington Post that "seven students were lying on their backs for about 30 minutes" as she "banged on a shamanic drum in a dark room lit by just candles during Wednesday’s hour-and-half restorative yoga class."

She saw a couple outside peering in through the window, walking a dog and appearing bewildered.  So...

“They reported to the police that they’d seen somebody walking around in a room lit up with candles and what looked like dead people lying all over the floor,” Laws told The Post. “The couple thought it was some sort of ritual mass killing.”

When youth soccer started becoming wildly popular in our area, 911 got a few calls reporting similar situations, but upon checking, the police invariably found that the spectators, and many of the players, had fallen asleep out of sheer boredom.


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