Thursday, September 14, 2023

Sock Like An Egyptian

The fact that these socks are in my favorite color is outweighed by their age.  Listen, most men have socks that date back to the last century, but these socks from 250 - 420 AD.

Really! They were found during an excavation in Egypt at the end of the 19th century. Someone was wearing these very socks while the Pyramids were being built and Cleopatra was in charge and mummies were all the rage. If you want to go over there and look for more, set your destination as “the burial grounds of ancient Oxyrhynchus, a Greek colony on the Nile.”

So how come these socks are still in great shape, and that pair of tube socks you bought at K-Mart didn't last as long as K-Mart? Sock science has taught us that these socks were made by a process called “nålbindning," which, to you who know how knitting works, is single needle knitting. Dear reader who also knits, please fill us in about how one needle can knit a pair of forever socks!

The nålbindning process makes for socks (and sweaters, etc, one supposes) that really fit snugly, and that keeps people warm in cold weather, which Egypt doesn't really have, but anyway...

Just one pair of these split-toe socks, so perfect for use with sandals, will keep the feet warm all through an Egyptian winter. Match the rest of your outfit to those glory days and you can prance around like King Tut.


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