Saturday, November 19, 2022

The Saturday Picture Show, November 19, 2022


This little hummingbird would be upset to be called a "birdbrain," and he/she would be right. Lots of "smarter" animals aren't smart enough to set up housekeeping on a branch that affords solar protection for free!

This is just the perfect vehicle for a crew to take to the annual Firefighters' Convention.

"Nothing going on here. You didn't see a thing. Move on out now..."

Here's a can that shows that someone really follows directions! Same as with that yellow "wet floor" sign in the men's room. I do it every time.

It's still a month away, but I think we're ready this year!

I feel sorry for those of you who live in areas where you get no snow. Besides bringing a delightful chill to the world, it covers everything in what Simon & Garfunkel called a "freshly fallen silent shroud." You could leave a dented rusty soup can on the back porch and when snow lays its shawl over it, it looks like an object of art!

A door hook and a talented artist, making hardware fun again!

I think it would be the funniest thing in the world to buy one of these tins full of cookies, only to find it full of needles and thread and scissors and stray buttons when you get it home. Everyone has their sewing kit where the Danish Butter Cookies used to reside.

I found another example of a press agent's artistry at work. You can almost hear him on the phone, around 1954, "I got this kid Dean...uh, James Dean. Brooding, strong silent type. Wanna get a couple publicity pics of him reading a book. And say, the kid's from Indiana...real midwestern boy...let's have him reading that James Whitcomb Riley, the Hoosier poet who wrote about the frost on the pumpkin. OK? Solid!"

I'm here to tell you, there is not a morning so bleak or drab that it can't become perfect just by whipping up some blueberry muffins.


AC Cage said...

where is the "money" cat?

Anonymous said...

I don't know nuttin'.