Sunday, November 13, 2022

Sunday Rerun: Pudding things to good use

Before we proceed, we need to define some terms. For instance, "head cheese" is not cheese at all, but an undesirable delicatessen selection. The Hundred Year War was over by the second weekend, a foot-long sandwich measures 11 inches, the Civil War was quite uncivil, Chinese Checkers are neither Chinese nor checkers, koala bears are not bears at all, and Poor Richard's Almanac was not written by anyone named Richard, but by Ben Franklin, and he was plenty rich, having been the only president of the United States who was never president of the United States!

So don't be fooled if an English person offers you pudding. Don't think of vanilla, chocolate or pistachio.  Over there, pudding is blood sausage, which is hardly a dessert item with some Cool Whip on top.

But while English pudding is no way to end a meal, it did save the life of a British butcher.  Chris McCabe was locked in a freezer and the lock froze after a gust of wind blew the door closed. (Well, things are supposed to freeze in there, right?

Chris's butcher shop is in Totnes, southwest England, and he did all he could by kicking at the door to no avail, so he got the idea to pick up a frozen blood sausage weighing 3.3 lbs and using it as a battering ram.
What blood sausage looks like, in case you wish to have some

He whomped on that thang a few times and finally the button came unstuck and off he dashed, to have a cup of tea, one supposes, with a nice slab of blood pudding, which, if you really want to know, consists of pork fat or beef suet, pork blood and a ton of oatmeal, and your choice of groats: oat or barley. 

Maybe he needed something stronger than tea. You know, to take the chill off.

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