Saturday, November 27, 2021

The Saturday Picture Show, November 27, 2021


One of the best scenes in The Godfather taught us a lot about Don Corleone. He prized loyalty above all, and he never made his reactions disproportionate to what provoked the reaction. In this scene, Bonasera The Undertaker has asked that he avenge the sexual assault of his daughter by having the punks who did it murdered. He replies, "That is not justice; your daughter is still alive" but still arranges for them to have their comeuppances. And soon enough, Bonasera is in a position to repay the favor. Fun fact: that cat was not in the plans for the scene, but he was hanging around the set, Marlon Brando took a liking to him, and gave him a cameo role in one of the greatest movies ever.
For those who enjoy tramping through old jails and mental hospitals, here's a field trip in your future! It's in Illinois.
Men can launder just as well as women, and trust me, guys, once you figure out the buttons and how much suds to add, it's a lot of fun!
I guess this will be the last of the fall pictures for this - all the winds this week denuded the trees for the most part. But as always, it was a beautiful autumn!
Fire dispatchers know not to use the term "bonfire" in case it would be mistaken for the much more serious "barn fire." Similarly, in Taiwan, the local Mandarin dialect for "four" sounds a lot like "death," so hospitals skip the fourth floor just like American skyscrapers used to avoid having a thirteenth floor.
Every rainbow comes to an end.
It's been two weeks, and these people are still waiting in Dallas every day for John F. Kennedy, Jr to return from his watery grave and claim his position as vice president. Well, of COURSE they are! He'll be there, day after tomorrow. 
We had these and I'll be a lot of you did too...gobbler salt and pepper shakers for Thanksgiving!
The old "Nancy" comic had Nancy's little pal Sluggo, who apparently lived on his own in a house with cracked plaster, springs coming out of the sofa, and candles stuck in old wine bottles for lamps. No one thought to call Child Protective Services on him.

Making science easy: start with the notion that there are only so many hydrogen and oxygen cells on earth, so the water that rains today just might contain molecules that once watered the fields and vineyards of Biblical times. And the water from your ponds and pools evaporates during summer heat and comes right back down when the clouds burst. 

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