Friday, July 2, 2021

Back To It

I have been "working from home" (retired) since 3:30 PM on March 1, 2012 (but who's counting?), so I understand the Sturm and Drang (storm and stress) that so many people are feeling now that BTO Day is coming.

And by BTO, I do not mean portly Canadian rock group Bachman-Turner Overweight Overdrive, purveyors of such 70s hits as "Let It Ride", "You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet", and others too horrible to remember.

The guy second from the right is wearing a prom tuxedo shirt.

No sirreeee, BTO means Back To the Office, and hot-a-mighty, I hear the howling as people are vaccinated and it's safe to return to the salt mines. I know it was easy to get acclimated to working from home, and so much easier to make a grilled cheese on an actual frying pan than in the Xerox machine at work.

When you think about it, companies really are insisting that people come back to work because they are shelling out big bucks for renting these deluxe offices. If they could find a way to keep you home and get rid of that monthly rental, you'd never get out of your pajamas again, but anyway.

I do have one thing to help you out as you bid farewell to the home office and drive back down to the old one, where your calendar still says MARCH 13, 2020 and the Twizzlers in your bottom drawer are somewhat, let's say, chewy.

Just go to on your office pc and you can create the sounds of home, right in your office! Choose the music that you felt comfortable with as you padded down the hall and sat down to work on the O'Hoolahan files, and the add in what background sounds make you forget you're back in a cubicle...Choose from outside sounds such as Construction, Motorcycles, Birds, Crickets (for night shift!), Suburban Traffic, City Traffic, Leaf Blowers and that all time favorite, Trash Collection.

Then blend in some inside sounds: AC, "Knock at the Door", Coffee Machine, Trapped Fly, What's That Beep?, Dishwasher, and Washing Machine.

Then add pet sounds, neighbor sounds, child sounds, and there you have'll feel at home at work in a jiffy.

Oh - one more Bachman Turner song you might want to play on your way to work - "Taking Care of Business."

Have a great day!

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