But there's something else we do here rather faithfully. We don't always wear socks. As soon as it warms up enough, you might see a bank president sitting alone signing a loan, with only Weejuns on his feet, or your brain surgeon in her Croc Clogs with nothing else. And for those who wear DockSiders and Top Siders boat shoes, it feels just fine to slip the hooves into them with nothing between you and the leather.
So it's in this spirit that I tell you about the Annapolis Sock Burning Festival!
Since 1978, people down in the state capital have gathered to hoist the hosiery into a bonfire as a way to banish the winter doldrums.
The big doin's take place at the Eastport Yacht Club, and the Annapolis Maritime Museum puts on quite show of it, with an oyster roast, food, exhibits and activities for all.

As I understand it, to participate, one does not need peel off the Hanes from his or her feet and toss them into the blaze...just bring a pair you're finished with and let them fly!
They say it puts a Spring in your step!
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