Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Winging it

Many years ago, a young couple we knew were married and set up housekeeping, but as time went by, the arguments and bickering began. He claimed that she refused to mend the holes in his socks, and her grievance was that he knew she wanted a stuffed owl to decorate the living room and he stubbornly refused to purchase one.

They went back and forth with this until the day she confided to friends that "If he doesn't give a hoot, I don't give a darn."

Well, here's one owl she can't have, happily. 

Down in Salisbury, Maryland, an owl escaped from the town zoo (which I have been to and really like!) in July when a tree fell down in a storm, damaging the avian enclosure.

It's a spectacled owl, you see, so he was able to see his way out...

Anyhow, the other day, some workers at the zoo were doing their normal animal care business in the aviary when they looked up and guess HOOOO was in there?  

That's right! He came home, a little thinner and thirsty, but healthy and happy to be back, and able to participate in the zoo's fundraising plans to fix up the enclosure.

Good news for Salisbury and even better for the owl, who otherwise might have had to work at Hooters all winter.

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