Saturday, January 6, 2024

The Saturday Picture Show, January 6, 2024

Baby elephants take their afternoon naps with their mom. Their favorite lullaby is Fleetwood Mac's "Tusk."
"Ah, that's right, Frank. We have a major situation here on the interstate. Police are awaiting a delivery of 527 loaves of Italian bread to mop it up."
This is why I comb the internet every week, to bring you the latest pictures.
A full house at the venerable Rose Bowl saw Alabama go down to Michigan on New Year's Day.
Unidentified bird pecking away on fresh persimmons. I guess he had permission.
If any of the kids on your block around 1952 had a seriously glowing complexion, it's probably because one of the Science Club kids got this for Christmas. 
Sunset in Key Largo, Florida is quite lovely. There was a great movie by that name with Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall and Edward G. Robinson, but over the holidays we watched "The Big Sleep" starring Bogey and Bacall and it almost put me to sleep, but every five minutes I would shout out, "Isn't anything going to HAPPEN here?" and nothing ever did. I know it's a classic movie, but Jeeesh.
Look at these WALLS! Gee whiz, what a great library this would be.
I don't know which came first, but if you think like I do, they got the color design for the Monarch Butterfly from the Maryland State Flag.
Just give someone a deck of playing cards and a really sharp razor blade cutter and a couple of months and you get this!


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