Thursday, October 19, 2023

Sweet Home Alabama

There is a picture book for children titled "Read Me A Story, Stella" about a little girl name of Stella who reads to her younger brothers to get them to know how wonderful reading is. It's part of a series that has sold 2 million copies in 10 languages; this is volume 7.

How wonderful reading is! Yes.

Patrons of the Huntsville-Madison County Public Library in Alabama will not know how wonderful reading this book is. In their finite wisdom, the nabobs who run that library system put the book on their list of "potentially sexually explicit books" that might be removed from the children's section of their 10 branch libraries.

I know you want to know the reason why such an anodyne book for kids is to be forbidden to kids.  And here it is: the book was written by a woman named Marie-Louise Gay.

“The inclusion of the author’s name was the result of a keyword search to identify potentially targeted subject areas,” said a library official.

As the dumbing down of America continues apace, this is a good time to let you know that my real name is Hal D. Duuti.


1 comment:

Andrew W. Blenko said...
