Saturday, June 24, 2023

The Saturday Picture Show, June 24, 2023


The Baltimore Floatilla (great pun!) is an annual convocation of paddlers held in Baltimore's Inner Harbor. At the end of the day, everyone sings "Paddlin' Madelin Home" and they all paddle home.
Look at this for a second and then look at your own keyboard. Sumthin's different!
One of the great men in our past was a caveman named Tong who figured out a way to stop burning his fingers all the time.
Future Applesauce coming in strong!
And you wondered where your pizza shop gets its pepperoni! Well, wonder no's the rarest of all tropical fruits, the exquisite Bananaroni!
She always wanted a little houseboat...
Those little cymbals on the tambourine have a real name! They are called zills, Turkish for cymbals, and they are related to finger cymbals.
All it takes is one slob to finish his Coke and just toss the can on the ground. Oh, make me a judge for a day and put me in Littering Court.
Little by little, this little peep is about to peck her way into our lives very soon.
Hoover, as Delta President, was honored to have good enough grades to receive his degree and go on to law school before winding up in one of the busiest court systems in the nation. His classmate, Daniel Simpson Day (whereabouts unknown) had no grade point average. All courses incomplete.

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