Thursday, January 26, 2023

Fan Club

Years ago, a friend of mine met a girl in one of those revolving doors at the entrance to a department store and they started going around together for a while.

If they had taken a minute to look up, they would have seen the ceiling, where the fans go around to keep us cool in the summer. 

But did you know, there are different fan settings for the summer and the winter?

Orange you glad we can ask the friendly folks over at Home Depot for more info?

They tell us that we should have the fan running CLOCKWISE, with the fan running at the lowest speed. Doing this pulls the cool air up toward the ceiling, which shoves the warm that rises and hangs around the ceiling and sends it down to where we sit and stand.

With the warm air being sent below, it flows toward the walls and the door, and makes the room warmer, so you can cut the thermostat back a little! 

It's important to keep it running at low speed; this prevents a drafty wind chill, nice and steady. Just make sure it's going CLOCKWISE in winter and then reverse it back in summer.

In summer, the COUNTERCLOCKWISE rotation will allow the blades to push cooler air down in a cool column. This cools the room and saves on air conditioning!

One of us should try this now that winter is here. You go first and let me know... 

1 comment:

Andrew W. Blenko said...

We make good use of ours!