Saturday, December 17, 2022

The Saturday Picture Show, December 17, 2022


Going with the holiday theme this week...we love nothing more than hopping in the car, cranking up the Sirius Holiday Traditions channel, and looking at peoples' Christmas lights. But as we tour the local sights and sounds, one question keeps running through my mind: Where do they store this stuff all year long?
Your free wallpaper for the week...

Who wouldn't want to spend a holiday in this kitchen, what with the spinning wheel and pie rack and oldtime broom? You just know there's a butter churn somewhere!

This is one of those houses that hire a commercial company to string their Christmas lights. They do a great job, and and it's much less work for dear old Dad, but the family will miss out on years' worth of retelling the stories of the ladder falling down on the lawn, Dad running out of Arrow staples for his staple gun and hollering for more, Dad arguing that there is no better outdoor illumination than the good old C-9 bulb...
Baltimore's annual Miracle on 34th Street in the Hampden neighborhood.
This is in Pittsburgh, and I hope my yinzer friends can tell me if it has special significance or what....Do they have a tradition of eating candy apples up there on Christmas?
Baltimore salutes our heritage with the annual German Christmas village at the Inner Harbor. Because of our German forebears, we have sauerkraut at Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Firefighters love Christmas! Many firehouses around here have elaborate Christmas train gardens open to the public.
Colonial Williamsburg goes all out to decorate, too. This is the Governor's Mansion.
I always say the best decorations are homemade. Lots of people do really great things with natural objects and hot glue!

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