Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Make mine Mexican

Some of the funniest tweets these days are being twittered by fast food chains, eager to hop on each other for shortages and problems, such as how they all pick on McDonald's because their soft ice cream machines always seem to be broken, or how hard it was for people to find that elusive chicken sandwich at Popeye's.

That sandwich, by the way, set off a frenzy of people who had to have chicken sandwiches day and night. Now even Wawa, home of the best cold cut subs, is offering one. I'll stick with their Italian Hoagie, please. No onions.

But when two chains start picking on each other, sometimes there's something funny behind it. 

Take this ad that Pizza Hut is running. 

"Pizza Hut Announces 'Italian Taco' to Rival Taco Bell's Mexican Pizza"

Everyone loves the Mexican Pizza at Taco Bell, although it's not something I've tried. Too cross-cultural for me, like Lox Chow Mein would be. And the jury is out on whether it's really a pizza at all, or just a confused tostada.

It seems that Taco Bell was so swamped with orders for the Mexican Pizza, they took it off the menu for awhile, but now it's back to stay.  And Pizza Hut is trumpeting the claim that you can always get a Mexican Pizza of sorts at their stores, by taking a slice of pizza and folding it lengthwise.

So that's where we stand as of now. Pizza Hut is saying they will sell you an Italian Taco.


"Feast your eyes and mouths on a hand-tossed taco shell stuffed with a classic marinara sauce, mouthwatering melted mozzarella cheese and whichever fillings you choose from pepperoni to jalapenos," Pizza Hut's press people are saying, just before admitting that what they're talking about is just "a slice of pizza folded like a taco."

And then they jab that they will never run out of Italian Tacos because "This nearly unbelievable innovation will never run out. The Italian Taco has been here and will be here forever. No one out pizzas the hut."

But when you get right on down to the crust of all this, it turns out that Taco Bell and Pizza Hut are both part of the same parent company: Yum! Brands.

And they're not about to care which chain you buy from, since the money all goes into the same huge pile.



1 comment:

Andrew W. Blenko said...
