Wednesday, March 16, 2022

On the other hand, he hasn't had chapped lips since 2015

Petroleum jelly, the technical name for Vaseline, is good for a lot of things. 

Besides that!

Listen, it's the best for chapped lips and split finger skin. We used it to keep our price stampers flying fast at the supermarket. You can use it on your pet's paws or on a baby's butt. It's even good for split ends on your hair.

It's just not good as a replacement for muscle tissue. You know that, but Kirill Tereshin did not, and so he injected himself with PJ starting in 2016. 

He thought that pumping up his biceps the quick and easy way - much faster than lifting weights - would help him become a big deal MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) fighter. Now all that petroleum residue could lead to serious infection, resulting in amputation or death.


Petroleum jelly (petrolatum) is the result of oil refining. Back in the 1800s, oilfield workers working on rigs noticed that the gooey substance on the pumps was a cure-all for chapped hands and minor cuts. Chemically, it's a mixture of mineral oils and waxes, in a semisolid jelly-like substance. 

No one ever advised anyone to shoot petroleum jelly into their body, but nobody told Tereshin, who fancies himself "The Russian Popeye," that it's just for the outside. It's not good for strengthening the muscles, but injecting it carries side effects including infection, stroke, or heart attack.

This actually was weakening the muscles he did have, to tell the truth, not to mention cutting off the internal blood supply.

He has undergone two surgeries to remove the goo, which removed 25% of the "muscles," and needs another, which has been delayed due to the pandemic.

“Soon I will have a very complicated, hard third surgery,” he said. “I don’t know how it’ll end up. I bulked up my arms when I was 20 due to my own stupidity. I did not think about the consequences…God forbid something happens to this nerve and I cannot move my arm.”

You know that they say about a person attempting to be his own attorney having a fool for a client. Same goes for guys like this and other graduates of WebMD University.

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