Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Saturday Picture Show, July 20, 2019

To welcome visitors to my hometown of Towson, Maryland, some talented people are painting this mural on the wall outside a restaurant right off the main drag, York Rd. Represented are segments of the Maryland flag, the Tigers of Towson University, the Gophers of Goucher College, Black-Eyed Susans (the state flower), a hard crab, the Blast indoor soccer team, which plays at the Towson U arena, and the legendary clock tower on Stephens Hall at the University. Not shown is anything to do with Towson High, an egregious omission if ever there was one.
Now you're really lucky - you've found a FIVE-leaf clover!
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This logo for the 2020 Olympics shaped up nicely, 2020 being a round number in many ways. There are always five Olympic rings, representing the five continents competing, and the colors white, blue, yellow, black, green and red are the six colors on all the national flags of the world.
Stories they could tell: the Apollo astronauts celebrate the moon landing, 50 years later.
Someone is really thinking here. How many times have you been at the office and there's a huge cloudburst just as you leave for lunch or home? Well, now, you never have to worry about your umbrella! It's right there!
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This week's free wallpaper!
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The insurance company always wants a diagram of the accident scene. This must have lightened up the day for everyone over at GEICO.
Instead of training wild animals to be actors, Disney has trained humans to generate simulacrums of animals through computerization. You'll be seeing this face a lot, trust me.

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