Saturday, February 5, 2022

The Saturday Picture Show, February 5, 2022


All these years, we thought that dippy birds were magic, or affected by the occult or the Zodiac. But there is a scientific explanation: "The drinking bird is a heat engine that exploits a temperature difference to convert heat energy to a pressure difference within the device, and performs mechanical work. Like all heat engines, the drinking bird works through a thermodynamic cycle. "  Gee whiz. It was a lot more fun to think it was magic!

Buying property directly on the shore of an ocean is a risky proposition. You're gambling that nature will not send epic churning wind, rain, and snow at you, and you usually lose.
Happy Lunar New Year 2022! It's the Year of the Tiger, so go Bengals!
Easiest way to describe this relic of the past is to ask someone to imagine fruit-flavored, non-medicinal Alka Seltzer.
There are thousands of things from my boyhood that still amuse me, and two of them are "Nancy and Sluggo" comics, and beatniks. So here they are.
Funny caution sign, but really, have you ever seen someone take a pratfall because of a banana peel? Who goes around tossing banana skins on the ground? If you slip and fall in the supermarket, look around for a loose cherry on the ground. That's your likely cause.
I'll say it until May and then I'll look forward to November: You can't beat a clear cold night with a touch of snow.
The people who want you to take your eyes off the prize are really good at it.
At first, you think it's one of those pixelating tricks, but it's a cat who stands behind the kind of window where you can't really tell who's there, except for when it's the cat.
In the Dutch city of Nijmegen, archeologists have uncovered a well-preserved, 2,000-year-old blue glass bowl that was apparently part of the kitchen supplies of a Roman army encampment. They can find no lid, however. No one can ever find a lid!

1 comment:

Andy Blenko said...

Fizzies-I remember those!