Thursday, January 20, 2022

What a card

Unless you are Novak Djokovic, you probably have a good idea where your COVID-19 vaccination card is right this very minute, right?

Well. maybe you do, and maybe you were using it as a bookmark while reading "57 Shades Of Heinz" and then when you threw the book out in disgust over inadequate character development and a certain stilted writing style, out went your card. 

Or maybe it got lost in your gym bag where it lies moldering today. 

Quite possibly, you used it to write a quick grocery list (milk  ham  cheese  sardines) and left it by the checkout stand where you now get to do dual duty as shopper and cashier.

Don't fret. The Baltimore County Dept of Health (one of many institutions that claim me as an erstwhile employee) says, here's how to get a replacement card! (Don't lose this!)

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