Thursday, July 23, 2020

World's biggest ass kills world's biggest ram

You might recall the "Driller Killer," a dentist from Minnesota who seems to take pleasure from killing animals. A few years ago he hid in a tree and illegally lured Cecil The Lion out of Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe.  Cecil was six years old, a beloved figure that was taking part in studies led by a team from Oxford University, and this toothyanker ambushed him.

Dr. Walter Palmer is 60 now, still identified as a "recreational big-game hunter" (although just how killing defenseless animals is part of someone's "recreation" is hard to figure) and now it turns out that last August, he spent almost $100,000 to partake in the pleasure of a trip to Mongolia for the pleasure of killing an endangered Altai argali, the world’s biggest ram, with a crossbow.

"I shoot defenseless animals. I consider myself admirable. I'm wrong twice."

Dr Teresa Telecky, wildlife vice-president at Humane Society International, said this to the Daily Mirror: “For trophy hunters to travel to Mongolia to kill a beautiful and ­endangered ram is an absolute outrage. The argali ram is a species in danger of extinction, so the idea that these animals can be killed for pleasure is abhorrent. The killing of Cecil the lion five years ago caused international shock. But clearly the killing for kicks continues. It’s time for the law to stop wildlife killers in their tracks by banning trophy hunting.”

I can see the argument in favor of hunting for food. I know a guy who bags his limit of deer every fall and personally pays for the meat to be delivered to homeless shelters, and many others do the same.

And I can see hunting when it comes to protecting life and property from menacing animals. That happens.

But when it comes down to thrill killing an animal to obtain hides, heads and claws to be displayed as a symbol of one's "superiority," I don't see it, which is why I am in favor of teaching animals to operate crossbows and rifles to make it a fair fight.

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