Wednesday, June 3, 2020

We're in for a rough spell

Calling all Scrabblers! I guess there must be some sort of World Scrabble League, and a big deal like that is going to have to have some rules, so the Collins Dictionary folks maintain a list of words that are allowed to be  played on the board.

They like to keep things current over at Collins, so they just updated the list with more than 6,500 new words on the Official Scrabble Wordlist.  The list encompasses terms from media, slang, technology, food, and English from all over.

I think it might be interesting to augment the wordlist even further, by allowing us to spell words the way people pronounce them (or not) such as "weathah" for the meteorology report from Boston, "dis" and "dat," (New Yorkese for this and that) and "Dezember," the most festive month of Baltimore's year.

But until they decide to add them, here are some words with which to rack up lots of points...

(13 points)
The list says this means laughs at our expense or someone else's. I still laugh when the deli person hands me my Land O' Lakes sliced cheese and the label says "LOL Cheese."

 (15 points)
As an Androidian, I don't facetime with anyone, and there is not a long list of people who are eager to see my pasty mug while they talk to me. If I had the kind of face you wanted to see while I talked to you, I would have been in television, not radio.

 (12 points)
I remember MAD Magazine using this term for disgust, but they spelled it "BLECCH".  As a young scholar, I learned how to spell "Potrezebie," "Axolotl," "furshlugginer," "veeblefetzer," and "halvah" in the pages of MAD. Every time we have axolotl pudding for dessert, I always come back for more.

(14 points)
If you can put a smiley face in the middle of your Scrabble word, you get an extra 114 points!

 (8 points)
Pretty sure this started in the movie "Son-In-Law," where Pauly Shore referred to food as grindage.

(28 points)
The little box on an online form where you check to indicate that you have read the terms and conditions of using an app. None of us ever read this. Ever.

 (10 points)
Even better if you can offer someone a ride in a WAAHMBULANCE.

 (14 points)
I always quote Calvin from "Calvin and Hobbes." Verbing weirds nouns. If you win a medal at some athletic competition, you are entitled to stand at the podium to receive your prize, but you are not entitled to use the podium as a verb.

 (18 points)
Someone said this is the term for best friend. I never heard it. Let me ask my BFF.

 (17 points)
More points than "piehole."

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