Saturday, June 13, 2020

The Saturday Picture Show, June 13, 2020

All I know about architecture is that I don't know the first thing about building anything bigger than a shed. I look at this building and I wonder if the side windows were randomly placed or if they were trying to get them plumb. Then I wonder why I wonder.
Two great guys grabbing a brew and a pupu platter.
I see that Charlie Sheen, once on top of the world, is now down to doing bit parts in his father's Medicare insurance commercials. It happens to all the best of show business folks. Toward the end of his career and life, Sammy Davis, Jr. was doing these Alka-Seltzer spots and doing a country music album in Nashville. Nothing could ever diminish his talent, though.
Back in the Pleistocene Era, when I attended the now-destroyed Towsontown Junior High School, boys took shop class (wood shop, metal shop, mechanical drawing) and girls took Home Economics (sewing and cooking). There was absolutely no thought that a guy might want to learn to bake a cake or a girl might want to build a footstool. I think it's best that they've changed since. Let everyone learn everything they wish.
This is in Italy, probably in a building where Columbus did some last-minute gift shopping before he set sail. In the years since, they've been meaning to clean out the second floor, but it reached a point of saying, hey, what the heck, let it grow.
There is art in many things, even a frog on a fogged-up sliding glass door.
One of my hobbies is collecting old copies of LIFE magazine and then poring the stories, pictures and advertisements like a medical student reading Grey's Anatomy. Pick up this issue, for example, and be taken back to the days when the Cuban Revolution was just ending, Nelson Rockefeller was worried about old age  (irony alert!) and the Kingston Trio was leading America down the road to a big ole Hootenanny.
If you're not from Baltimore, you might not know this delightful dinner. Take a steamed hard crab, pry off the upper shell, stuff it with crabcake, dip it in batter, deep-fry it, and call it a fried hard crab. I'll take two, and a couple of Bohs!

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