Tuesday, June 5, 2018

How do you say "float" in French?

Yesterday we talked about California real estate, and it's only fair to talk about home sales on the east coast, up a couple miles from here in the land our ancestors called "New Jersey."

There is lots of beachfront up there, and last summer their soon-to-be former governor, Chris "Chris" Christie, parked himself on some of it while the beaches were closed to hoi polloi during a budget shutdown. To make up for his oafish gauchery, C "C" C treated the world to an untrammeled view of his thighs.

 Related image

Five summers before that, lovable "Chris" got into hot salty water with his own party for the unpardonable offense of working with a president from the other party to obtain federal funding for his residents and businesses who suffered such terrible damages from Superstorm Sandy.

In fact, they are still dealing with some of that damage, and with hurricane season just beginning again, it's always best to be prepared.

Another Sandy beach tale bobbed to the surface recently across the big pond.  Diane Turton, a realtor in Brielle, New Jersey, had a "FOR SALE" sign on a house in that seaside town when Sandy hit in 2012. The original sign blew out to sea in the winds and the rain...and it just came up for air (or wine) in Bordeaux, France, the other day.

A man by the name of Hannes Frank was beachcombing and found the remnants of the sign, which was possibly used as a surfboard for "les poissons" over there in Bordeaux.

"Having our signage wash up in France on the beach truly proves that Diane Turton, Realtors is a global real estate company," the realtor claimed on Facebook.

Perry Beneduce, the firm's marketing director, and a man who is ever so grateful that his parents chose not to name him "Danny," said that M. Frank sent him photos from France, one of which we proudly share here. 

I guess they replaced the sign that floated off; the house was sold in May, 2013, and if that sign could talk, oh what stories it could tell!

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