Thursday, November 16, 2023

Taking the plunge

I believe it was last summer when some kids who were hanging around Harborplace in Downtown Baltimore's waterfront took the notion on a seriously scorching hot day to jump into the harbor.

A lot of the people who watched the scary spectacle were frankly surprised that the kids surfaced and clambered back onto the promenade without their shorts and tees being eaten alive by chemicals,  and without man-eating octopi and piranhas clinging to their appendages.

But! Ever-hopeful downtown boosters are now saying that the city's harbor is plenty safe to swim in and go fishing. The city's Waterfront Partnership is out with their annual Healthy Harbor Report Card to show that the harbor water is of good-enough quality to allow for people actually getting wet with it on dry-weather days.


The city has spent over a billion bucks to repair sewers and wastewater handling devices, and say this has resulted in a 97% reduction in sewage overflows in the harbor in the past five years.

And look who's moving in! Menhaden, diamondback turtles, dolphins, and I don't know what-all else has been seen swimming down there.

Look for humans to join them in the tentatively-scheduled "Harbor Splash" in 2024.

You first!



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