Saturday, February 9, 2019

The Saturday Picture Show, February 9, 2019

Secrets of the Male Gender Revealed: There is not a one among us who doesn't see some guy working one of these earthmovers without wishing he could get in the cab and give it a whirl. Guaranteed.
"The beauty and art of nature can oft be seen in its vegetables" - Col. Sanders
The Michelin Man got tired.
Last week when it was so doggone cold in the Midwest, people were throwing boiling water up in the air, just to see it come down to earth as ice pellets. Here's someone's idea for an instantly-frozen cracked egg.
This summer, the minor league Reading Phillies will play several games wearing alternate jerseys and hats identifying them as the Reading Pretzels. They take pretzels very seriously in Pennsylvania.
Meanwhile, as the major league Orioles rebuild, they will please a certain part of their base by wearing this special cap on St Patrick's Day.
This is a very cool garden bench! I didn't say it was a very comfortable garden bench, however.
This is part of the "Marilyn Diptych," a series of silkscreen images made by Andy Warhol shortly after Marilyn Monroe died in 1962. He used multiple images to show that she was many things to many people in many different ways.

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