Saturday, January 12, 2019

The Saturday Picture Show, January 12, 2019

I suppose that if you want a sunflower this tall by the end of summer, you should plant the seed by the beginning of spring.
Looks like the advice in this book is pretty good. OR they let John Grisham write it and people just fell asleep right away.
This is a section of track from an abandoned railroad in Paris called “La Petite Ceinture.”
This picture from the back exit at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant features a shadow tribute to owner and founder C. Montgomery Burns.
With some snow in the forecast for the weekend, I hope this is what my street looks like on Monday. Quick! Put your pajamas on backwards!
I'm not sure what the technical name of this knife is, but I remember when Martha Stewart was an inmate at a federal hoosegow and showed the other kitchen inmates how to make one like it with a folded-over tuna can lid.
I'm always there when TCM shows an Ida Lupino movie. The titles alone keep me around!
This is what happens in a really cool high school when the librarian and the art teacher work together. I think it's amazing.

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