Saturday, December 3, 2022

The Saturday Picture Show, December 3, 2022


Nice try, but this is a really poor attempt at making applesauce, or apple cider. 
Once they're toasted and cleaned up and put in a bag, walnuts look better.
Apparently this has been a thing for some time now! These Hans Gruber Advent Calendars, saluting the descent of the "Die Hard" terrorist, are for sale everywhere. Maybe next year there can be one for Sgt.  Al Powell!
This will be the last of my Autumn Glory pictures for the year. The colors on the few remaining leaves are much less vivid and the trees are turning bare. And it's dark by 5. In other words, my kind of days!
First of all, I would never get in one of these little private planes, and the experience of the pilot and his passenger from last Sunday, crashing into a giant electrical transmission tower and being stuck in the dangling wreckage for 7 hours, is not about to change my mind. But a big shoutout to the rescue personnel for getting them down safely!
I've not seen this thing yet, mainly because I avoid Target like I avoid private airplanes. The deal is, for free, you can stick your cell in there and get it charged...while you continue to shop for another half hour, forty-five minutes. Smart move for the store, although the thought of being unreachable for that length of time is unthinkable to many.
My buddy worked at a radio station where a guy went crazy with the Dymo labelmaker and put little red stickers on every surface..."news copy" on the cubbyhole where news copy was stored, "pens and pencils" on the Exxon tiger mug where pens and pencils were kept, and "stopwatch" on the back of the stopwatch. So my buddy and I, what we did, we made a label that said "Dymo labelmaker" and put it on the Dymo labelmaker and no one thought it was funny but we.
This is the picturesque village of Qaqortoq, Greenland, and I hope you brought your sled.
You can tell it was time for this railroad car to be retired. It looks awfully tired.
Somehow, someone drove their car onto the boardwalk of the Jones Falls jogging trail here in Baltimore. You have to wonder just how far they got before realizing they made a wrong turn.

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