Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Where does the time go?

It was baseball great Satchel Paige who advised us, "Don't look back: something might be gaining on you."

And he had an elementary school named for him in Kansas City!

It's been interesting to see this latest internet fad, the "10 year challenge."  It's also sometimes called the "How hard has aging hit you?" challenge, and the deal, obviously enough, is to dig out a picture of yourself from 2009 and another from this year so we can all see how the passage of time has made you look.

There is a scientific theory that if you throw decks of cards in the air enough times, eventually you will wind up with two equal piles of cards at your feet. (And then what will you do?)  

By this, I mean that after enough people are given this challenge, a certain amount of people will show pictures of themselves that will make people go, "WOW! You look better than ever! The years have been so kind!"

And there will be those who have lost most of their hair, gained 247 lbs, and gotten swastikas tattooed on their foreheads, in contrast to 2009, when they looked like the young Ryan O'Neal.

Time is good to some of us, and harsh on others, and I don't think it's a big deal. As someone with a 50-year high school reunion coming up, I can look back and see plenty of people I knew well who no longer walk this earth with us, so a few less hairs or a few more gray ones shouldn't be such a big dadburned deal.

Celebrate you!  Be proud of yourself and love yourself and think about gifts for Mariah Carey on her next birthday (#50 on March 27): a calendar and a watch. Time may be something she does not acknowledge, but I think it's time she learned.

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