But one thing that went afoul for him was his hearing. He used to say that he could no longer hear high-pitched, annoying sounds, like the little hourly chirp on his digital watch, and the phone ringing, and being called to do something when all he wanted to do was read his newspaper.
He made hearing loss a gain! Who wants to be disturbed by shrieks, human or otherwise?
And now comes news of a woman named Chen over in sunny China. She has a hearing disorder that is making her the envy of women all over the world: she can no longer hear men’s voices.
Forbes reports that she woke up one day and just couldn't hear her boyfriend speak.
There is a name for this, and I see lots of you looking it up right now. Google "reverse slope hearing loss" and find out that it means she can't hear low frequencies, such as male voices, and the sound of – which includes the average male voice, Forbes reports.
“She was able to hear me when I spoke to her, but when a young male patient walked in, she couldn’t hear him at all,” said Chen's doctor, Lin Xiaoqing.

It can be a genetic thing, just as if your parents didn't have any children, you can't either. But doctors who know stuff tell us that reverse slope hearing loss could also come from stress and not getting enough sleep. And being stressed over not getting enough sleep.
Chen has been told that her condition is temporary and she should recover fully. She knows that because a female doctor told her so.
I'm notifying my HMO that a large contingent of female patients will soon descend upon their physicians' offices, complaining of not hearing a word their husbands are yakking.
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