Saturday, March 10, 2018

The Saturday Picture Show, March 10, 2018

The first of two purple flowers you'll see today, which reminds us of the line from Tommy James's song "Draggin' The Line": "My dog Sam eats purple flowers, ain't got much but what we got's ours..." Hey, he has a dog that eats flowers, and that's got to be worth something!

These are New York taxicabs in a 1974 photo. I keep wondering if the guy poking his head out of the window is a) in the passenger seat   or b) behind the wheel, but he has a super-long neck.

When I was a good little boy while Mom shopped at Hutzler's, I was allowed to go across the street to the old OLD Towson Fire Station to see the firefighters, the engine and truck, and the Dalmation, a type of dog once omnipresent in American firehouses. I wasn't a good little boy very often, though.

"Hello and welcome to Salvador Dali airlines, now boarding at Gate Infinity."

Purple flower #2 is alfalfa. I love alfalfa sprouts, but I had never seen the flower before.

If you've ever been to an ocean beach, stop for a second and see if you can summon up the sense memory of the smell and the sounds of the scene above.

This happened in Woodlawn, Maryland, out on the west side of our county. A guy did not think there would be a problem if he lit a cigarette as he doused himself with aerosol body spray. He knows better now.

I always love old "New Yorker"'s a great one from Saul Steinberg from 1954.

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