Saturday, March 27, 2021

The Saturday Picture Show, March 27, 2021


Oh, we know all about the tortoise and the hare. How about the tortoise and the butterfly, who could just as easily fly away but prefers the free lift?!
If only the car had one of those roof racks to carry a bicycle around...
This is the work of a person whose job it is to clean new houses just prior to settlement. That's in the wintertime. In summer, she mows patterns into the outfields at major league ballparks.
You don't see these together very often, if at all...a rainbow and a lightning bolt.
This kid is my kind of kid! He knows just which mask to wear on eye exam day!

Regardless of what you may have heard, this is the original nickel bag! I always loved Mr Peanut.

"For oft, when on my couch I lie, In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude; And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils." A little Wordsworth on a Saturday morning...

People pay top dollar for this oil, made from the fat of that annoying big bird on the Liberty Mutual car insurance commercial. It's supposed to be good for all sorts of ailments, from dry skin to achy breaky hearts. I'll stick with Vap-O-Rub.

The Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington DC is in full swing through April 11.

With good reason, when I have supped on fine Chinese cuisine at China Taste, I feel like I have Wonton Brain. It looks like this!


Diane Melcher Kohan said...

Thanks. It was a pleasure seeing these. 🍒

Mark said...

thank you!