Ah! Baseball is in the air, with spring training going on. In the day, ballplayers had to have off-season jobs, selling used cars or men's suits at Robert Hall or teaching history, and then they would show up in Florida needing to sweat off the suet they had packed on at countless Cub Scout Blue And Gold banquets.
Today's ballplayers don't need extra income, and if they do need a quick buck, they can turn some by scribbling their signature on photos, bats, and balls.
Spring training now is not what it was in the 1950s. And neither is the USA's relationship with our neighbors south of Florida, the exotic island, Cuba. Until their 1959 revolution, which overthrew the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista, Cuba was a vacation destination for Americans, and ballclubs would jot down there for exhibition games.
There was that odd period just after Batista had been deposed...American teams were still going to Havana, but the revolutionaries came to the stadiums.
And so it was, in 1959, that the Los Angeles Dodgers flew the 90 miles south to play the Cincinnati Reds..blue and white meeting red and white, with green-clad army guys ready to pose. Revolutionary leader Fidel Castro loved baseball and bragged that he was being scouted to play in the majors...which was more brag than fact.*
But what's a revolution without photo opportunities, so genial Reds outfielder Pete Whisenant gladly posed for a display of mixed weaponry...
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It must have been hot that day. Pete looks totally baked. |
* extra credit question: can you name a young man from Queens who played for his prep school team, became a flamboyant real estate mogul, and later served as president of the US, all while claiming to have been the #1 sandlot player in all of New York? https://slate.com/culture/2020/05/donald-trump-baseball-high-school-nyma.html